Find a home church

What is a Home Church?

Home churches stand as the backbone of Dwell, and we love to introduce them to others. We believe involvement in a home church is one of the most important ways to grow as a Christian. They provide a place to develop close relationships while learning about the biblical worldview. They help those seeking God to discover what it means to be a Christian.

The idea goes back to the earliest days of the Christian movement

The New Testament describes a dynamic, growing movement centered in homes. These original churches met regularly to hear teachings, share meals, pray, and experience a kind of friendship often lacking in a modern church (Acts 2:43-47, Ephesians 4:15-16).

God has arranged a special role for each Christian in the local community (1 Corinthians 12:11-25, Romans 12). To that end, we encourage people to join a home church where they can give and receive the love of Jesus. This is the kind of fellowship God wants his people to enjoy.

Getting connected

We’ve set up a few easy ways for guests to connect to home churches.

To search by neighborhood, check the Home Church Finder. This interactive map includes location, meeting night, demographics, and contact information for adult groups. If you prefer to talk to someone in person, head to the Next Steps booth in the lobby of our Central Teaching locations.